FEICA papers

  • FEICA Privacy Policy.pdf

    Uploaded 28 Jan 2025

    This policy describes the collection, use and processing of personal data by FEICA, as the data controller of this information as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU.

    Publication ref.: FMI-EX-O01-004


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  • OCF Durability Case Study.pdf

    Uploaded 26 Nov 2024

    Case Study - Sealants and durability: key drivers of sustainable construction

    This case study highlights the critical role of sealants in sustainable construction, emphasising their importance in reducing the carbon footprint of buildings. ​Key findings of tests conducted on buildings in Belgium, the Czech Republic, and Poland involving one-component foam (OCF) demonstrate the effectiveness of sealants in supporting sustainable construction practices. ​View the complete case study here.

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  • FMI-EX-N10-019_FEICA_Statutes_By-laws_internal rules GA2024 (English).pdf

    Uploaded 22 Oct 2024

    The FEICA Statutes and By-laws

    The FEICA Statutes and by-laws modifications were approved by the General Assembly on 11 September 2024. 


    The FEICA Constitution (Statutes) and by-laws were first published in Belgium on 26 October 2006. The latest modification was approved at the Extraordinary General Assembly in May 2021.

    In 1972, FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) was formally founded at the first General Assembly in Rome. Since then, FEICA has continued to grow and expand its areas of interest. Although for many years a federation of national adhesive and sealants associations, in 2007 FEICA expanded the membership structure to include direct company members (DCMs) and associate company members (ACMs). 

    In April 2020, the FEICA secretariat and office was relocated near the premises of the European Chemical Council (CEFIC) in Brussels. This enables FEICA to be even more closely involved with the European Commission and other EU institutions, to build relationships with the chemical producer- and other chemical user associations, and advance the interests of the adhesive and sealant industry in general. FEICA celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2022.

    Publication ref.: FMI-EX-N10-019


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  • POP-EX-K11-064 Terminology and definitions to be used in the context of adhesives in the recycling of packaging.pdf

    Uploaded 07 Oct 2024

    Updated terminology and definitions of adhesives in the recycling of packaging

    At the beginning of 2021, FEICA published a guide to align stakeholders on terminology and definitions to use for adhesives in plastic packaging recycling. This document has now been updated to also include paper packaging .

    Several different stakeholders publish guidelines on recycling, including requirements for adhesives in recycling. Divergent terminology is used in these guidance papers, and this terminology also often differs from what is used in the adhesives industry and by users of adhesives.

    In order to assist stakeholders in furthering a common understanding of adhesives and the requirements that are important for adhesives in recycling, FEICA published ‘Terminology and definitions to be used in the context of adhesives in the recycling of packaging’.

    A common language and technically sound definitions will help to ensure a better understanding amongst stakeholders and an easier exchange of expertise.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-K11-064

    #paper&packaging #recycling

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  • RAM-IN-M06-039 FEICA paper recyclability dossier final.pdf

    Uploaded 07 Oct 2024

    Adhesives in the context of paper and board recycling - state of play

    Fibre-based products, in particular paper and board, play an important part in packaging and printing industries. In addition, their biobased origin and high recycling rates provide tangible sustainability benefits. Many fibre-based product designs, in particular in the area of packaging, would not be possible without adhesives, which are used in, for example, corrugation, bag and box making and labelling.

    In this paper, the place of adhesives in paper recycling is outlined. Then, existing design guidelines for fibre-based products are viewed with regards to adhesives and the treatment of adhesives in test methods and assessment schemes is considered. FEICA’s recommendations on the way to approach adhesives in paper and fibre-based recycling are also presented.    

    Publication ref.: FPR-EX-M06-039


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  • RAM-EX-N02-002_AdhesivesPackagingRecycling_FAQ.pdf

    Uploaded 07 Oct 2024

    FAQ on Adhesives in Packaging Recycling

    Given the significance of recycling within sustainable packaging practices, FEICA has compiled a list of frequently asked questions, offering additional insights on this subject and the role of adhesives in packaging recycling. The publication can be consulted here.

    Publication ref.: RAM-EX-N02-002

    #paper&packaging #recycling

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  • RAM-EX-N03-005_Laminating adhesives in the context of flexible plastic packaging recycling.pdf

    Uploaded 07 Oct 2024

    FEICA Report on Laminating Adhesives in Flexible Plastic Packaging Recycling

    Flexible packaging offers lightweight and efficient protection for various products, ranging from food to consumer and industrial goods. Laminating adhesives are crucial in bonding both multi-material and mono-material flexible structures.

    Given the significance of packaging recycling, FEICA has published a report that provides the current state of play of how laminating adhesives are reflected in design-for-recycling guidelines, as well as in sortability and recyclability testing for flexible plastic packaging. For detailed insights, please consult the full report here.

    Publication ref.: RAM-EX-N03-005

    #paper&packaging #recycling

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  • POP-EX-N09-015 - Adhesives in the regulation of end-of-life vehicles.pdf

    Uploaded 18 Sep 2024

    FEICA’s Position on Adhesives in End-of-Life Vehicle Regulation

    In response to the European Commission’s proposal for a regulation on requirements for vehicle design and end-of-life vehicles (‘ELV regulation proposal’, document COM 2023/451, ‘ELVR’), the FEICA’s Position Paper supports the EU's Circular Economy strategy but opposes the negative portrayal of adhesives in the ELV regulation proposal. Adhesives are crucial for vehicle sustainability and performance, and the generic reference in the legal text could harm innovation and safety.


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  • FEICA Webinar Laminating Adhesives Supporting Flexible Packaging Recycling.pdf

    Uploaded 24 Apr 2024

    Presentation Slides of the FEICA Webinar on Laminating Adhesives Supporting Flexible Packaging Recycling

    During this webinar, we discussed what laminating adhesives are, outlining their benefits, the ways they pass through the recycling processes, and the adhesive industry's activities to promote the continuous evolution of recyclable adhesive products. In case you missed the webinar, we have listed the key takeaways here:

    - Laminating adhesives are needed to create flexible packaging that is lightweight and environmentally efficient.

    - Flexible Packaging with laminating adhesives is being recycled and the adhesives industry is supporting existing and emerging technologies for new recycling paths, targeting a high-quality output material.

    - Knowledge is evolving; we are strongly committed to study, monitor and understand solutions and to cooperate with all actors in the supply chain.

    The webinar recording is also available and can be viewed HERE.


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  • Laminating Adhesives in the context of Flexible Plastic Packaging Recycling.pdf

    Uploaded 18 Apr 2024

    FEICA Report on Laminating Adhesives in Flexible Plastic Packaging Recycling

    Flexible packaging offers lightweight and efficient protection for various products, ranging from food to consumer and industrial goods. Laminating adhesives are crucial in bonding both multi-material and mono-material flexible structures.

    Given the significance of packaging recycling, FEICA has published a report that provides the current state of play of how laminating adhesives are reflected in design-for-recycling guidelines, as well as in sortability and recyclability testing for flexible plastic packaging. For detailed insights, please consult the full report here.

    Publication ref.: RAM-EX-N03-005

    #paper&packaging #recycling

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