FEICA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
FEICA is the Association of the European Adhesive & Sealant Industry.
FEICA's priority is to remain informed about issues that might affect the adhesives and sealants industry. It therefore offers a range of opportunities and resources to help keep its members and the industry updated on key industry developments and the environment in which it operates.
We have dedicated webpages illustrating FEICA's current priorities and membership benefits.
FEICA produces a range of useful publications. Some are for members only while others are available to anyone. These include:
- SNAPSHOT, published twice a year, and the UPDATEs, published at the beginning of every month. These publications are for members only. They provide pertinent information on the industry’s most important regulatory topics and explain the activities that FEICA’s Technical Working Groups and Technical Task Forces are undertaking, as well as the events and meetings organised or attended on behalf of our industry. The goal is safe and effective legislation that supports the circular economy. Members can ask to be added to the circulation list by emailing news@feica.eu.
- CONNECT is a quarterly electronic newsletter suitable for everyone interested in the adhesive and sealant industry. You can request addition to the circulation list by emailing news@feica.eu.
- The European Adhesives & Sealants Market Report provides market statistics that are invaluable to anyone involved in the adhesive and sealant industry. The analysis is updated at regular intervals and is based on market knowledge obtained from primary research using direct interviews with the adhesives and sealants industry (formulators, raw materials suppliers, equipment suppliers, etc.). You can find out more about the latest report and purchase it via our Market Report page.
In addition, FEICA produces several brochures, as well as a range of specialist publications to support members and the industry such as position papers, guidance documents, etc. You can read more about these resources in the Information Centre.
- The annual FEICA European Adhesive and Sealant Conference & EXPO is the industry’s premier event in Europe and attracts more than 600 industry professionals from all over the world. Please see the FEICA conference website.
- Webinars: FEICA organises regular webinars addressing topics of key importance to industry participants. By requesting to be added to the CONNECT mailing list (see above), you will automatically be invited to all public FEICA webinars. Also check events for any already in the pipeline.
- Members can ask to be added to the circulation list for the members’ SNAPSHOT and UPDATEs by emailing news@feica.eu.
- Everyone is welcome to sign up to the CONNECT newsletter, also by emailing news@feica.eu.
We keep a handy overview of all our current members here.
FEICA offers the following categories of membership:
Direct Membership
- National associations: National non-governmental associations representing companies which are actively engaged in the manufacture of adhesives, and/or sealants or related raw materials and services for sale in Europe or neighbouring countries.
- Company members: Companies manufacturing adhesives, sealants or related chemical products in Europe (or neighbouring countries) who are also a member of at least one FEICA member national association.
Affiliate Membership
- Companies who are raw materials suppliers or manufacturers/importers of components or machinery for adhesives, sealants or related products or services.
If you are eligible to become a FEICA member, simply complete the membership application form and pay the appropriate membership fee once your application has been approved.
More about FEICA members.
FEICA works closely with a range of partners active in the adhesive and sealant industry and other related industries, as well as organisations engaged in cross-industry initiatives such as recycling and food safety. Read more about our partners.
See the adhesive and sealant industry around the world here.
For advertisers seeking to publicise product innovations or business developments, FEICA offers effective digital channels for delivering messages and promotions to the adhesive and sealant community. For more information, see the FEICA Media Kit 2024.
As a non-profit organisation, FEICA does not share or sell any personal data to third parties for any commercial purposes. Please see our privacy policy. You can find a list of the industry’s national associations here, a list of our direct company members here, and a list of our affiliate company members here.
About the adhesive and sealant industry
An adhesive is a compound that adheres or bonds two or more substrates together. Adhesives may come from either natural or synthetic sources. Some modern adhesives are extremely strong (structural adhesives) and are becoming increasingly important in modern construction and industry. Adhesive is a general term and includes, among others, cement, glue, mucilage, and paste. All of these terms are often used interchangeably.
A sealant is a soft, pliable material that is used to seal cracks or joints where structural strength is not required. The sealant, initially a fluid or semi-fluid, or alternatively hot applied, placed between two opposing solid materials, becomes solid itself (by solvent evaporation, chemical reaction or both), and bonds to the surfaces to which it is applied. Thus, it accommodates joint movement without adhesion loss. The sealant purpose is to prevent excessive absorption of water, penetration of other liquids, gaseous substances, or airborne particulates. A sealant has the adhesive and cohesive properties to form a permanent seal.
A common set of market definitions and product categories from the Adhesive and Sealant Industry, can be found in the ASC-CATIA-FEICA Adhesives & Sealants Classification Manual.
To consult the European Standard that defines terms used in the adhesive industry and terms relating to adhesives in those industries that use adhesives, please follow this link.
Adhesives and sealants are essential components in a vast array of everyday products such as toilet tissue, packaging, shoes, furniture, electronic devices, white goods, vehicles, aeroplanes and buildings. Read more about the markets for adhesives and sealants.
Just curious about adhesives and sealants in general? click here.
Modern adhesives and sealants are based on a broad range of natural and synthetic technologies, providing customers with a wide choice of adhesives suited to every task.
The European Adhesives & Sealants Market Report provides market statistics that are invaluable to anyone involved in the adhesive and sealant industry. The analysis is updated at regular intervals and is based on market knowledge obtained from primary research using direct interviews with the adhesives and sealants industry (formulators, raw materials suppliers, equipment suppliers, etc.).
You can find out more about the latest Market Report and purchase it here.
In light of the transition to an increasingly circular economy, FEICA actively supports efforts to improve product efficiency and circularity to help create a more sustainable society. The use of adhesives and sealants in many sectors, including construction, automotive, and energy production, contributes to reducing the carbon footprint of a surprising number of everyday and advanced products and manufacturing processes, creating a “new licence to do business in the 21st century”.
For more information, please check our Sustainable Development page.
A FEICA brochure was created to showcase not only what we do as an association, but also the overall significance of the adhesives and sealants industry.
Please also see our Good Practice stories.
About adhesive and sealant products
FEICA is the trade association for the adhesives and sealants industry in Europe and does not develop or recommend products. You can try and contact our members directly (the boxes are clickable). Please note that you should contact them on your own behalf, not on behalf of FEICA.
Our industry is very diverse, using a wide variety of raw materials and processes to create a huge range of different types of products. As a result, individual manufacturers will all have their own specific needs. Please consult the individual manufacturers directly. Please note that you should contact them on your own behalf, not on behalf of FEICA.
The annual FEICA Adhesive & Sealant Conference and EXPO serves as a great opportunity to present product innovations, generate ideas and facilitate collaborations. Companies can book a table top at the EXPO or submit a presentation abstract to present in one of the Conference breakout sessions. More information can be found on the FEICA Conference website.