FEICA Master Class 2023

Sep 15 2023
15 Sep 2023 - 08:30 until 15 Sep 2023 - 10:30 FEICA 2023 Conference

The Mass Balance Approach – FEICA Master Class recordings

The mass balance approach is important for the Adhesives and Sealants industry to participate in the shift to more sustainable feedstocks. Integrating renewable raw materials in products, including biobased and recycled materials, is a top-of-mind issue for European industry. Recycled content targets in upcoming regulation, likely starting with packaging, will further accelerate this shift away from fossil materials.

At the FEICA European Adhesive & Sealant Conference in September 2023, FEICA hosted a highly attended Master Class titled ‘Transitioning to sustainable raw materials: the mass balance approach’. Given the continued strong interest in the topic, FEICA is making the following narrated presentations from the Master Class available online. Please click the presentation title to view.