FEICA Webinar - Review of the EU Construction Products Regulation (CPR)

Feb 25 2021
25 Feb 2021 - 13:00 until 25 Feb 2021 - 14:30 Online

Download the webinar presentation here.

Following the recent public consultation on the review of the European Construction Products Regulation (CPR), FEICA is organising a webinar to raise awareness about this legislative package.

This webinar is open to all interested stakeholders, FEICA members and non-members

An overview of the present situation and the important scenarios and policy options for CPR will be presented by Deutsche Bauchemie Director, Mr Martin Gloeckner, followed by a summary of the recent Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) report by Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Christian Doleschal. 

Mr Doleschal, who is the rapporteur of this action of the European Parliament, will present the main outcomes of the IMCO report that focuses on the present and future of the CPR.

Then, views on the CPR review will be shared by the Netherlands Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) Senior Policy Officer-Building Regulation, Drs Dirk Breedveld (MSc).

Finally, the Construction Products Europe (CPE) Technical Director, Mr Oscar Nieto, will present an alternative option for the future of the CPR to those presented by the European Commission, offering solutions which respect and maintain the principles of the CPR. 

You can register for this event (free of charge), which will take place on 25 February 2021 from 13:00 until 14:30 Brussels time.