FEICA Webinar – Business impact of the REACH revision on the adhesives and sealants industry
This webinar, exclusively for FEICA members, is on the business impact of the REACH revision.
The webinar will promote an understanding of the opportunities and challenges linked to the European Commission’s Chemical Strategy for Sustainability in general, and the revision of REACH in particular. Members will be provided with tips on how to prepare for the coming changes and given clear indications of expected business impact.
Relevant topics to be discussed include the registration of polymers, the introduction of a mixture assessment factor, potential mandatory reporting requirements for downstream users, and the extension of the generic approach to risk assessment.
Join us on 17 June to understand the upcoming opportunities and challenges and to share your questions and comments. You can register via this link.
10:30 Introduction - Paula Diaz, Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager at FEICA
10:35 ‘The upcoming registration of polymers’ - Claus Urban, Global Regulatory Affairs Manager at Sika, Chair of the FEICA Polymers Task Force
10:50 ‘The introduction of a Mixture assessment factor’ - Joerg Feesche, Senior Manager Toxicology at Henkel, Member of the FEICA MAF Task Force
11:00 ‘Potential mandatory reporting requirements for downstream users’ – Ms Emma Jansson, Scientific Officer, SVEFF the Swedish Paint and Adhesive Association, Member of the FEICA Chemical Legislation TWG, Member of the FEICA CSS Task Force
11:15 ‘The extension of the generic approach to risk management to professional uses’ – Kim Suetens, Regulatory Affairs Manager at Soudal, Chair of the FEICA MAF Task Force, Vice Chair of the FEICA Polymers Task Force, Member of the FEICA Chemical Legislation TWG, Member of the FEICA CSS Task Force
11:30 Q&A
12:00 Close of the webinar
If you think your colleagues might find value in this webinar, please share this invitation. Note that this event is open to FEICA members only.
We hope to welcome you on 17 June!