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There are 10 search results for the tag "#circulareconomy" Filter
  • Adhesives in the regulation of end-of-life vehicles.pdf

    Uploaded 04 Dec 2023

    FEICA publishes paper on adhesives in the regulation of end-of-life vehicles

    In July 2023, the EC published a proposal for a regulation on circularity requirements for vehicle design and end-of-life vehicles (‘ELV regulation proposal’, document COM(2023)451).

    In this paper, FEICA argues that: 

    • The explicit and generalised mention of adhesives as an impediment to the dismantling and recycling in the ELV regulation proposal is inaccurate, as adhesives can allow for and even enable successful dismantling and recycling.

    • The current wording constitutes an uneven playing field as other materials and bonding technologies which may prevent dismantling and/or recycling are not mentioned.

    • The mention of specific materials or technologies which are to be considered in the circular design strategies and in fee modulation for vehicles should be provided, if at all, in secondary legislation or guidance only.

    • Any mention of specific materials or bonding technologies should be sufficiently specific and reflective of the existing practices, successes and limitations of end-of-life vehicle dismantling and recycling.

    Publication ref.:POP-EX-M12-059

    #circulareconomy #sustainabledevelopment #ELV

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  • FEICA Electronics Webinar 23 November 2023.pdf

    Uploaded 23 Nov 2023

    FEICA Webinar - Adhesives and sealants' unique properties in electronics under the EU Ecodesign Regulation

    During this webinar, the different aspects of adhesives and sealants in the electronics sector were discussed, and their unique properties and the integral role they play in contributing to the principles of the circular economy were showcased.

    In case you missed the webinar, we have listed the key takeaways here:

    - With regard to Ecodesign requirements of adhesives and sealants, often the focus is on their weaknesses for recycling, although they contribute massively to the material and resource efficiency and reliability of electrical and electronic devices. The webinar presented the unique possibilities of adhesives and sealants to integrate functionality while enhancing slim design and durability

    - State-of-the-art adhesives are being used in electronic products, that allow debonding for the sustainable transition. During the webinar different debonding techniques were presented as well as ways adhesives can be applied for targeted debonding

    - Unlocking the potential of the circular economy of reversible bonding requires optimal cooperation and coordination along the value chain including alignment of incentives

    The presentation slides and recording are now available:

    - View/download the presentation slides HERE

    - View the webinar recording HERE

    #events #circulareconomy #electronics

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  • Adhesives and Sealants, Enablers of a sustainable society.pdf

    Uploaded 18 Sep 2023

    Adhesives and Sealants, Enablers of a sustainable society

    FEICA publishes updated leflet showcasing the significance of the adhesives and sealants industry in terms of economic importance as well as enablers of a sustainable society.

    Publication ref.:FMI-EX-I08-021v2


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  • ASI: The unique properties of adhesives and sealants in electronics and disassembly functions .pdf

    Uploaded 24 May 2023


    FEICA in the news: ASI (Adhesives & Sealants Industry Magazine) publishes FEICA column 'The Unique Properties of Adhesives and Sealants in Electronics and Disassembly Functions' online (May 2023).

    Considering Europe’s future-focused drive towards an increasingly circular economy, FEICA actively supports efforts to improve product efficiency and circularity to help create a more sustainable society. The use of adhesives and sealants in many sectors, including electronics, contributes to improved durability, recycling, CO2 reduction, repairability, upgradability, and material efficiency of final products. 

    See all ASI columns 'European Perspectives'.

    #press #circulareconomy

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  • Adhesives and sealants unique properties in electronics and disassembly functions.pdf

    Uploaded 28 Feb 2023

    Adhesives and sealants’ unique properties in electronics and disassembly functions

    FEICA actively supports efforts to improve product efficiency and circularity to help create a more sustainable society. This FEICA Position paper discusses adhesives and sealants’ unique properties in the electronics sector and how adhesives and sealants enable electronics reusability, repairability and recyclability.

    #sustainabledevelopment #circulareconomy

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-M01-008

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  • Guide to Chemical Safety - Summary Report.pdf

    Uploaded 11 Dec 2022

    Summary Report: Recycling of coating and adhesion products 

    Summary Report of the study by French Environmental Agency (ADEME).


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  • Benchmark Final Report - Recycling of coating and adhesion products .pdf

    Uploaded 11 Dec 2022

    Final Report: Recycling of coating and adhesion products 

    The objective of this study by French Environmental Agency (ADEME) is to provide public authorities and stakeholders with all the necessary information to improve products’ end of life.


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  • The 'one substance, one assessment' approach.pdf

    For members Uploaded 13 Jun 2022

    The ‘one substance, one assessment’ approach

    The current legal framework for chemicals’ risk assessment is extremely complex. Through the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, the Commission introduced the idea of the ‘one substance, one assessment’ process as a way to ensure that the initiation and priority setting of the safety assessments would be done in a co-ordinated, transparent and, to the extent possible, synchronised manner, taking into account the specificities of each sector.

    FEICA believes that risk management measures should not be a one-fits-all approach, as it would result in unjustified bans by declaring a product unsafe due to the lack of a specific risk assessment targeted to the respective application.

    This publication offers background information and FEICA’s view with regards to the concept of ‘one substance, one assessment’.

    Publication ref.: RAM-IN-K11-060

    #REACH #circulareconomy #sustainabledevelopment

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  • Safe and sustainable-by-design chemicals.pdf

    For members Uploaded 13 Jun 2022

    Safe and sustainable-by-design chemicals

    The European Commission is pushing for a shift towards chemicals, materials and products that are inherently safe and sustainable, from production to end of life. Included is a commitment for the European Commission to develop criteria on safe and sustainable-by-design chemicals and materials by 2022, while already providing a working definition of the concept in the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.

    This publication offers background information with regards to ‘safe and sustainable-by-design’ chemicals, FEICA’s view and the next steps. Specific topics covered include the relevance for adhesives and sealants, the proposal and timeline of the European Commission and current intelligence regarding this topic.

    #circulareconomy #sustainabledevelopment

    Publication ref.: RAM-IN-K11-065

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  • Final Joint Industry Letter on Single Market Distortions.pdf

    Uploaded 19 May 2022

    Joint Industry Letter on Single Market Distortions

    60 associations from the packaging value chain, including FEICA, issued a joint letter to call on the European Commission to create one single circular economy, not 27 separate ones, underpinned by an integrated Single Market.


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