FEICA Webinar - The Upcoming Registration of Polymers under REACH

Jun 23 2021
23 Jun 2021 - 16:00 until 23 Jun 2021 - 17:30 Online

The registration of polymers under EU REACH will become a reality in the near future. Polymers are currently exempted from registration under EU REACH.

As the use of polymers within the adhesives and sealants industry is very widespread, this FEICA webinar aims at informing all stakeholders about the ongoing regulatory process, the current regulation in other jurisdictions and the perspective of the adhesives and sealants industry in this process.

Join us on 23 June to learn more about these developments and share your questions or comments.


16:00 - Introduction and legal background by Ms Paula Diaz, FEICA Regulatory Affairs Manager

16:15 - Polymers regulation in the United States by Ms Tracy Williamson (EPA), Chief of the New Chemicals Division (NCD) Industrial Chemistry Branch

16:30 - Use of polymers in adhesives and sealants by Mr Claus Urban, Global Regulatory Affairs Manager at Sika, FEICA Polymers Requiring Registration (PRR) TTF Chair

16:45 - Adhesives and sealants industry perspective on the registration of polymers by Ms Kim Suetens, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs Advisor at Soudal, FEICA Polymers Requiring Registration (PRR) TTF Vice Chair

17:10 - Q&A, moderated by Ms Paula Diaz, FEICA Regulatory Affairs Manager

17:30 - Close of the webinar

If you think your network might find value in this webinar, please feel free to share this invite. This event is open to all interested stakeholders, FEICA members and non-members.