FEICA partners
FEICA keeps its finger on the pulse of emerging issues through a network of industry partners and regular contacts with international associations in the major markets.
FEICA represents the European adhesive and sealant industry at global level at the 'International Association Heads Meeting', which is held every two years, rotating between Europe, the USA and the Asia-Pacific region, and at the WAC (World Adhesive and Sealant Conference).
The adhesive and sealant industry around the world
EUROPE Association of the European adhesive and sealant industry (FEICA) |
USA The Adhesive and Sealant Council, Inc. (ASC) |
CANADA Adhesives and Sealants Manufacturers Association of Canada (ASMAC-AFASC) |
MEXICO La Asociación Nacional de la Industria Química, A.C. (ANIQ) |
BRAZIL Comissão Setorial de Colas, Adesivos e Selantes (ABIQUIM) |
SOUTH AFRICA The National Adhesive & Sealant Manufacturers Association (NASMA) |
CHINA China Adhesives & Tape Industry Association (CATIA) |
INDIA The Adhesives & Sealants Association (TASA) |
JAPAN Japan Adhesive Industry Association (JAIA) & Japan Sealant Industry Association (JSIA) |
KOREA Korea Adhesive Industry Association (KAIA) |
TAIWAN Taiwan Synthetic Resins & Adhesives Industrial Association, R.O.C. (TSRAIA) |
BANGLADESH Bangladesh Adhesive Manufacturer’s Association (BAMA) |
Click here to see the FEICA Members
Other partnerships:
Afera - European Adhesive Tape Association |
ALMA 2020 - Advanced Light MAterials and Processes for the Eco-Design of Electric Vehicles) - see below |
ASMoR - Alliance for Sustainable Management of Chemical Risk (ASMoR) |
Cefic - The European Chemical Industry Council |
CEN - European Committee for Standardization |
Cii - The Cross-Industry Initiative for better regulation in chemicals management |
CPE - Construction Products Europe + Smart CE Marking Consortium |
Construction 2050 Alliance - see below |
DUCC - Downstream Users of Chemicals Co-ordination group - see below |
European Coalition for Chemical Recycling |
EPRC - European Paper Recycling Council |
ERIF - The European Regulation and Innovation Forum |
FCA - Food Contact Additives |
Industry4Europe - The Industry4Europe coalition |
PIJITF - Packaging ink joint industry task force |
RecyClass |
WAC - World Adhesive & Sealant Conference - see below |
Please click below for more information on a selection of our partnerships:
The Downstream Users of Chemicals Co-ordination Group (DUCC) is a platform of European associations which represents approximately 10 000 'downstream' industries (mostly SMEs). DUCC's main objective is to contribute, with a common voice, to the successful implementation of the requirements of the REACH and CLP Regulations.
FEICA represents the adhesives and sealant industry in DUCC, together with participants from associations covering cosmetics; fragrances; soaps and detergents; aerosols; paints and inks; imaging and printing chemicals; crop protection chemicals; construction chemicals and chemical distribution. More information can be found on the DUCC website.
Paula Diaz, Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager at FEICA, has been Chair of DUCC since November 2022.
Construction 2050 Alliance
The Construction 2050 Alliance was launched during the 8th High Level Forum of Construction 2020 organised by DG GROW of the European Commission. The Construction 2050 Alliance brings together 47 EU associations, including FEICA, from construction products, to contractors, SMEs, building owners, machinery producers, social housing operators, engineers, promoters and many more.
Alliance members will work together to highlight the contribution of the built-environment to the EU Green Deal, which includes:
- the road to zero-emission and sustainable buildings
- sustainable and smart mobility/infrastructure
- energy efficiency and the renovation wave and
- the circular economy
On 5 May 2021, the European Commission released the new EU Industrial Strategy, which puts a renewed focus on the key ecosystems, including construction. FEICA, as member of the Construction 2050 Alliance, welcomes the priority given to the construction ecosystem as one of the sectors that faces the most important challenges in meeting climate and sustainability goals and in embracing the digital transformation. You can read the joint FEICA/Construction 2050 Alliance Press Release in the Information Centre.
ALMA 2020
In order to improve the efficiency and driving range of electric vehicles, the weight of the global vehicle must be reduced. In addition, increasing environmental awareness and forthcoming stricter regulations demand the adoption of circular economy principles across the entire vehicle life cycle.
The EU therefore approved the ALMA project (Advanced Light MAterials and Processes for the Eco-Design of Electric Vehicles). The project, of which FEICA has been a supporting partner, will be funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.
The WAC is a global conference, held once every four years, and rotated between Asia (ARAC), Europe (FEICA), and North America (ASC). More information can be found in 'Events & conferences' and 'Past events'. More information about the adhesive and sealant industry around the world can be found under 'Our industry'.
The next WAC will be organised by FEICA and held in London, from 16 to 18 September 2026, so please SAVE THE DATE.