Member benefits
FEICA offers a range of opportunities and resources to help keep its members and the industry updated on key industry developments and the environment in which it operates
- Our working groups allow members to contribute to and benefit from FEICA's activities in key areas of industry interest.
- FEICA’s Annual Conference and EXPO provides a unique platform for networking throughout the adhesive and sealant value chain, and allows participants to keep up-to-date on important industry topics.
- Our newsfeeds, newsletters and members' extranet provide detailed intelligence and interpretation of important issues and trends, as well as updates on FEICA's activities in these areas.
Key benefits of FEICA membership
Make your voice heard in Brussels
The European Community’s regulatory environment is mostly shaped in Brussels. FEICA has established an excellent working relationship with EU legislators and is recognised as a trusted and competent partner for issues affecting the adhesive and sealant industry.
With its base in Brussels, its broad representation from the industry and its excellent collaboration with related industry organisations, FEICA is an extremely effective advocacy platform.
FEICA members are encouraged to take an active role in its working groups to help shape the industry’s position on European issues. Active participation offers a unique opportunity to be heard by the European institutions and to benefit from the cooperation with other colleagues.
Keep up-to-date on emerging legislation
Through our dialogue with EU legislators and our information exchange with the national adhesive and sealant associations, we are able to inform members fast about the key developments affecting the adhesive and sealant industry.
As a result, FEICA members can anticipate regulatory changes and integrate them more smoothly into their own operational planning.
Receive valuable information and advice
Members receive information tailored to their needs, analysed by FEICA with the unique perspective of the adhesive and sealant industry, with input as appropriate from its national association members and other experts.
Share best practice, exchange views and network
As a member you will benefit from many opportunities to meet with colleagues from the industry, its associations and raw material suppliers from across Europe for an exchange of views and best practice on common issues affecting the Industry. While FEICA works at the European level, our national association members are active in their own country. This representation at both national and European levels provides added impact to our activities.
Benefit from reduced member rates
FEICA members get free access to FEICA seminars and substantial discounts on FEICA Market Reports and the FEICA European Adhesive and Sealant Conference and Expo. In addition, FEICA members benefit from access and/or price reductions for projects such as for example the PU Training and the FEICA Model-EPDs.
How to join us
To apply for FEICA membership, please fill in the application form.
Kindly contact the FEICA secretariat should you have any specific questions.
FEICA membership is subject to approval by the FEICA Board of Directors.
FEICA members must comply with the FEICA Statutes and By-laws.
Types of FEICA membership:
FEICA membership is open to:
National association members (NAM)
National associations in Europe representing adhesive and sealant manufacturers.
Direct company members (DCM)
Individual companies manufacturing adhesives or sealants in Europe.
Affiliate company members (ACM)
Raw material suppliers, and equipment and service providers related to the adhesive and sealant industry.
You can find the list of our members in the organigram.