FEICA-CEPE-EFCC Webinar – PU Training Platform for the Safe Use of Diisocyanates

Oct 07 2022
07 Oct 2022 - 13:00 until 07 Oct 2022 - 14:30 Online


PU Training Platform for the Safe Use of Diisocyanates for users of PU-based adhesives, sealants, paints, coatings, inks and construction chemicals

This webinar, co-organised by FEICA (The Association of the European Adhesives & Sealants Industry), CEPE (The European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink, and Artist’s Colours Industry) and EFCC (the European Federation for Construction Chemicals), explains why training on the safe use of diisocyanate-based products is mandatory, and how you can access the training. It provides all you need to know about the PU Training Platform functionalities and training modules and requirements.

If you are a professional or industrial user of PU-based adhesives, sealants, paints, coatings, inks or construction chemicals, this webinar is of interest to you!

In August 2020, a new restriction on diisocyanates was published by the European authorities under REACH, targeting respiratory and dermal sensitisation potentially caused by diisocyanates. This restriction applies from 24 August 2023 and specifies the training requirements for industrial or professional users of diisocyanate-based products with a monomer concentration greater than 0.1 % by weight. The PU industry has since launched an online training platform to support companies that are required to meet these restriction requirements.

You can REGISTER NOW to join this free webinar to learn all you need to know about the PU training requirements and the training platform and to share your questions and comments.

Programme and speakers:

  • 13:00    Introduction, by Ms Paula Diaz, Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager at FEICA
  • 13:10    ‘The REACH restriction on diisocyanates’, by Mr Didier Leroy, Technical & Regulatory Affairs Director at CEPE
  • 13:20    ‘Requirements for users’, by Ms Paula Diaz, Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager at FEICA
  • 13:30    ‘PU Training Platform’, by Mr Martin Gloeckner, Director at Deutsche Bauchemie; Mr Luc Turkenburg, Regulatory Consultant at CEPE; Dr. Ing. Johan Breukelaar, Director General at EFCC
  • 14:00    ‘General practicalities’, by Mr Frank Van Elten, Project Manager PU Training Platform at ISOPA/ALIPA
  • 14:10    Q&A
  • 14:30    Close of the webinar

If you think your colleagues might find value in this webinar, please share this invitation.

We hope to welcome you on 7 October!