Market reports

The European Adhesives and Sealants Market 2023-2028 is FEICA’s eighth edition of the report and covers the period 2023-2028. With much disruption and uncertainty in the marketplace today, it is crucial to get an accurate picture of the market. This report provides indispensable insights to help companies better position themselves for success in today’s challenging business environment.
The geographic scope of the study encompasses Europe, including Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and Turkey. The study discusses the factors influencing market growth by material type/process, end use, and region. Market size is defined for the year 2022 and a demand forecast for the period 2023-2028 is also provided. The statistical data are reported in tonnes and euro currency.
A description brochure and order form can be downloaded below. Please note that this report is exclusively available to companies active in the adhesives and sealants value chain. Consultancy agencies are not eligible to receive this report.
Uploaded 29 Aug 2023
Order Form: European Adhesives & Sealants Market 2023-2028
This is the order form of the European Adhesives & Sealants Market 2023-2028, prepared by Smithers on behalf of FEICA.
To submit your order, please send the duly filled in and signed form to
Publication ref.: FMI-EX-M08-045-A
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Uploaded 24 Aug 2023
Description Brochure: The European adhesives and sealants market 2023-2028
The European Adhesives and Sealants Market 2023-2028 is FEICA’s eighth edition of the report and covers the period 2023-2028. With much disruption and uncertainty in the marketplace today, it is crucial to get an accurate picture of the market.
The report provides indispensable insights to help companies better position themselves for success in today’s challenging business environment.
This Description Brochure is for reference only and intended to provide prospective buyers an idea of the actual contents of the full and regional reports.
Publication ref.: FMI-EX-M08-045-B
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