Privacy Policy
This privacy policy describes the collection, use and processing of personal data by The Association of the European Adhesive & Sealant Industry (Fédération Européenne des Industries des Colles, Adhésifs et Mastics), denominated "FEICA", acting as the “data controller” of this information and by its “processor” idloom (IDLOOM SA, with registered office in Belgium, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, Avenue de Tervueren 2016, , as defined by the Belgian Privacy Act (hereafter: PA) and the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (hereafter: GDPR).
1. About FEICA and your data privacy rights
1. Who we are
FEICA represents the European adhesive and sealant industry towards EU institutions and stakeholders. FEICA is committed to continuous improvement in its efficiency and effectiveness, and ensures a vigorous industry by:
- Engaging with legislators and providing guidance on EU regulatory affairs and the safe use of our industry’s products
- Fostering sustainable development within the industry
- Providing advocacy and a platform for industry dialogue and knowledge sharing
FEICA is established as a non-profit making international association under Belgian law (aisbl). FEICA’s address is: Rue Belliard 40 box 10, 1040 Brussels, Belgium.
2. Your data privacy rights
FEICA is committed to the highest data privacy standards and to protecting the personal data it collects and processes. FEICA has to that end deployed this data privacy policy and organisational and IT technical measures to prevent data breaches and unlawful use.
As a data controller, our responsibility notably implies that we provide you with the right to consult, correct or remove any of your personal data.
• Should you wish to consult, complete, rectify or remove any of the information that we hold about you or your organisation, please contact us at: You may be asked to proof your identity.
• To know more about your data protection and privacy rights please consult the Belgian
supervisory authority - the Commission for protection of privacy - at (site available in English, French and Dutch), or the supervisory authority of your country of origin or habitual residence.
2. About the personal data we collect and the way we use them
1. Personal data
As a member of FEICA or an external stakeholder, you may provide us with personal data information when using our website, interacting with us on social media, registering for information or events.
The data we collect can include your organisation’s name, title, job title, first name, family name, function, telephone number, mobile phone number, mailing address, e-mail, social media account (s) and web address or photo, as well as where applicable, FEICA working groups memberships, subscriptions to FEICA information, interests in topics we work on, and attendance at FEICA meetings.
Some of this data is considered as personal data under the EU GDPR. In most instances, we collect personal data directly from the data subjects, but we may sometimes obtain personal data from third parties such as directories or EU institutions websites.
The personal data and posts are processed in compliance with PA and GDPR.
2. Purpose of use and processing
The information that you provide us with will be used for the purpose of contacting you, fulfilling your online requests or facilitating your access to members-only content and/or providing you with relevant and updated information about our organisation, its activities and positions. More specifically, as part of its general mission, FEICA processes personal data for the following purposes:
• For membership management and general administration: FEICA has legitimate interests in the processing of personal data of the contact persons across its membership for the purpose of administering or informing its membership or for the governance of the association (such as the organisation of general assemblies and board meetings). FEICA also processes the personal data of representatives and contact persons of entities with which FEICA contracts, such as consortiums, services providers or consultancies.
• For research, information, publication and advocacy purposes: FEICA processes contact details of journalists, Members of European Parliament, officials from the European Commission and from EU Member States, academics, consultants and industry experts and European affairs stakeholders for the purposes of carrying out its research, information, and advocacy activities.
• For events organisation: FEICA processes identification details of individuals who register to participate to events and conferences it organises for the purpose of managing the registration, invoicing and participation to such events under the general terms and conditions that are expressly accepted by the individuals and/or based on consent for certain personal data.
• For websites security and content access: FEICA processes identification data from individuals who register themselves on websites managed by FEICA and give their express consent to receive newsletters or information from FEICA. FEICA also processes identification data from members or content subscribers to facilitate their personal access to the meeting documents of their working groups or subscribed content. The processing of this data is necessary for the performance of the service:
- To access the platform,
- to control members’ rights to his/her account,
- to let each member edit his/her settings,
- to manage the normal use of the platform,
- to let other members see what every member has posted on the platform,
- to allow messaging between members,
- to send members a periodic notification digested by email.
The communication of such personal data is necessary to ensure the proper performance of the platform. Failing to provide such data may result in
3. Explicit consent, retention and right of consultation and modification
Your prior informed, explicit, consent for the use and processing of your personal data will be requested for registering to FEICA mass communication such as newsletters or event participation. Your consent will also be specifically asked for photos or multimedia content that may enable the recognition of participants at events.
Your personal data will be kept as long as you are a designated person of your organisation in relation with FEICA or its members and, otherwise provided by law, for the time that is necessary to achieve the purpose(s) for which they were collected, and until the end of the responsibility, ten years after the user’s account is closed.
Should you wish to withdraw your prior informed consent, consult, complete, rectify or remove any of the information that we hold about you, please contact us at:
4. Data sharing
As a non-profit organisation FEICA does not share or sell any personal data to third parties for any commercial purposes.
Your personal data will not be shared with any other third parties unless we would be required to do so by law or to comply with a court order served upon us in connection with our website(s), social media, the implementation of the EU GDPR or to protect and defend our legal rights and interests and those of our members.
Personal data may be shared with FEICA members for the same legitimate interest and purpose FEICA uses them.
Your personal data may be processed outside the European Union. In such case, the transfer of data is governed by a data processing agreement to provide adequate safeguards as defined by the EU GDPR. Through its processor idloom, the data controller shall only process members personal data in the European Union, or in third countries after having secured appropriate guarantees with the subcontractor or recipient.
FEICA may provide aggregated statistical information to reputable third parties. Such information will not allow any user to be personally identified.
5. Risk assessment
The processing of your personal data was self-assessed as presenting limited risks for your fundamental rights considering that only professional information is used and that adequate measures are in place to prevent data breaches.
3. About our website, social media and our cookies policies
1. Cookies
During the course of any visit to FEICA websites, the pages you view, along with a short text file called a 'cookie', are downloaded to your computer. Many websites do this, because cookies enable website publishers to do useful things like find out whether the computer (and probably its user) has visited the website before. A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier that is sent to your browser from a website's computer and stored on your computer's hard drive.
Information supplied by cookies can help us to provide you with a better online user experience and assist us to analyse the profile of our visitors. For example: if on a previous visit you went to our Member pages, we might find this out from your cookie and highlight Member information on your second and subsequent visits. When using this information, we do so on an anonymous and aggregate basis without viewing any of your personal details.
Users have the opportunity to set their computers to either accept all cookies, to notify them when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time. This last option will mean that certain personalised services cannot then be provided to that user and accordingly you may not be able to take full advantage of all of the site’s features.
For more information about cookies and how to disable them, please visit:
2. Social media privacy policies
When interacting with our social media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram) your consent and personal data use are covered by the terms and conditions and privacy policies of each of these social media platforms.
3. Third parties’ websites and social media
Our website(s), social media channels and electronic communication tools may also contain links to websites or social media channels of third parties. These links are provided for your information and convenience only. FEICA does not endorse, approve or take any responsibility for the websites or social media channels which we provide links to. We also does not endorse, approve or take any responsibility for their availability, performance, content or for the use of such websites or social media channels or any information contained therein.
FEICA’s data privacy policy applies only to FEICA’s databases, website(s), and electronic communication media and not to any other websites or media that you would access by hyperlink from our website (s) or our social media. When you leave our website by linking to another site or through social media, you should read the privacy policy, if any, provided by such website or media.
4. Marketing choices regarding your personal information
Where we have your consent to do so (e.g. if you have subscribed to one of our e-mail lists or have indicated that you are interested in receiving information from us), we send you communications by email about topics and services that we feel may be of interest to you. You can ‘opt-out’ of such communications if you would prefer not to receive them in the future by using the “unsubscribe” facility provided in the communication itself.
5. Information integrity and confidentiality
FEICA does not authorise meeting/event participants to use any audio, video, transcription, or AI tools to record in-person or virtual meetings. Participants using AI tools/assistants must deactivate the tool and prevent it from calling in, transcribing, recording, or summarising any virtual or in-person meetings organised by FEICA. If the meeting is recorded by FEICA, participants will be informed at the start of the meeting.
6. Policy update and notifications
FEICA may update this policy at any time by posting changes online. Any such changes will be notified to registered contacts and to website visitors in order to be read and accepted.