Guidance at a glance - ES series (5) - Communicating information on ‘use’ for mixtures within the supply chain: SWEDs and SUMIs - for members.pdf
The fifth publication in the FEICA 'Guidance at a Glance' series on Exposure Scenarios (ES) explains how to communicate information on ‘use’ for mixtures within the supply chain, SWEDs and SUMIs.
This document, developed by FEICA's Exposure Scenarios TTF, explains the sector-specific, bottom-up approach to help you comply with your REACH obligations to provide ‘safe use information’ for classified hazardous mixtures.
- It includes the ‘solution’ to communicate Safe Use of Mixture Information (SUMIs) downstream to the end-users – i.e. your customers.
In addition it also covers the solution to assist you informing on your uses and use conditions upstream:
- the Sector-specific Worker Exposure Description (SWEDs), which serves as upstream communication of the exposure parameters for the registrants’ assessments.
#exposurescenarios #SWEDs #SUMIs
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