FEICA papers

  • FEICA comments on the degradation of polyesters.pdf

    Uploaded 15 Feb 2022

    FEICA comments on the degradation of polyesters

    Polymers of relevant toxicological or ecotoxicological properties will be subject to registration as foreseen under a new REACH amendment. Polymers without such hazards will be exempt from registration obligation (Polymers of Low Concern [PLC] concept). One such exemption is the so-called ’Polyester Exemption‘, under which certain polyesters manufactured from predefined monomers will not require registration. This FEICA paper intends to address the Polyester Exemption and will also provide some background on the degradation of polyesters.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-K12-053

    #REACH #polymers

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  • FEICA comments after sixth CASG polymers meeting.pdf

    Uploaded 21 Jan 2022

    FEICA comments after sixth CASG polymers meeting

    During the sixth CARACAL Subgroup polymers meeting held on 15 December 2021, the planned impact assessment for the registration of polymers to be commissioned by the European Commission was discussed. FEICA submitted to CIRCABC a paper on the impact of the proposed changes to the molecular weight criteria for the polymers of low concern (PLC) definition and the impact of an exemption for polymeric precursors linked to strictly controlled conditions. This paper covers FEICA comments after sixth CASG polymers meeting.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-L01-003

    #REACH #polymers

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  • FEICA Position Paper - Polyurethane one-component foam (OCF) and spray foam can (SFC) technologies.pdf

    Uploaded 05 Jan 2022

    Polyurethane one-component foam (OCF) and spray foam can (SFC) technologies

    FEICA has developed a position paper to explain the differences between two entirely different technologies on the market that may look alike because of the identical packaging. These technologies are the Polyurethane one-component foams (OCF) and spray foam cans (SFC), both containing > 0.1% by weight methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI).

    To better understand the two technologies, please download this FEICA position paper. The paper has been co-signed by ISOPA.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-K11-063

    #OCF #diisocyanates

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  • FEICA leaflet notification of polymers (Spanish).pdf

    Uploaded 23 Dec 2021

    Defining a system for the notification of polymers (SPANISH, in cooperation with ASEFCA)

    This is the Spanish translation of the original English leaflet which can be consulted here.

    The European Commission is working to extend registration requirements for polymers, currently exempted from registration under EU REACH. The Commission is considering requesting industry to notify of certain polymers’ information.

    This FEICA leaflet explains why the notification of polymers should be limited to a concise dataset and analytical or test data should not be required at the notification stage.

    Publication ref.: ES_FMI-EX-K10-052

    #REACH #polymers

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  • FEICA leaflet notification of polymers (Portuguese).pdf

    Uploaded 23 Dec 2021

    Defining a system for the notification of polymers (PORTUGUESE, in cooperation with APCAS)

    This is the Portuguese translation of the original English leaflet which can be consulted here.

    The European Commission is working to extend registration requirements for polymers, currently exempted from registration under EU REACH. The Commission is considering requesting industry to notify of certain polymers’ information.

    This FEICA leaflet explains why the notification of polymers should be limited to a concise dataset and analytical or test data should not be required at the notification stage.

    Publication ref.: PT_FMI-EX-K10-052

    #REACH #polymers

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  • FEICA leaflet notification of polymers (Italian).pdf

    Uploaded 23 Dec 2021

    Defining a system for the notification of polymers (ITALIAN, in cooperation with AVISA)

    This is the Italian translation of the original English leaflet which can be consulted here.

    The European Commission is working to extend registration requirements for polymers, currently exempted from registration under EU REACH. The Commission is considering requesting industry to notify of certain polymers’ information.

    This FEICA leaflet explains why the notification of polymers should be limited to a concise dataset and analytical or test data should not be required at the notification stage.

    Publication ref.: IT_FMI-EX-K10-052

    #REACH #polymers

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  • FEICA leaflet notification of polymers (German).pdf

    Uploaded 23 Dec 2021

    Defining a system for the notification of polymers (GERMAN, in cooperation with IVK and DB)

    This is the German translation of the original English leaflet which can be consulted here.

    The European Commission is working to extend registration requirements for polymers, currently exempted from registration under EU REACH. The Commission is considering requesting industry to notify of certain polymers’ information.

    This FEICA leaflet explains why the notification of polymers should be limited to a concise dataset and analytical or test data should not be required at the notification stage.

    Publication ref.: DE_FMI-EX-K10-052

    #REACH #polymers

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  • FEICA impact assessment on the EU PLC definition and the definition of polymeric precursors.pdf

    Uploaded 14 Dec 2021

    FEICA impact assessment on the EU polymers of low concern (PLC) definition and the definition of polymeric precursors

    The fifth CARACAL Subgroup polymers meeting was held on 20 October 2021. FEICA submitted some initial comments after the CASG meeting. In this FEICA paper, we share additional figures from members on the impact of certain measures before the 6th CASG meeting.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-K12-054

    #REACH #polymers

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  • FEICA Statutes & By-laws 2021.pdf

    Uploaded 13 Dec 2021

    The FEICA Statutes and By-laws

    The FEICA Constitution (Statutes) and by-laws were first published in Belgium on 26 October 2006. The latest modification was approved at the Extraordinary General Assembly in May 2021.

    In 1972, FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) was formally founded at the first General Assembly in Rome. Since then, FEICA has continued to grow and expand its areas of interest. Although for many years a federation of national adhesive and sealants associations, in 2007 FEICA expanded the membership structure to include direct company members (DCMs) and associate company members (ACMs). 

    In April 2020, the FEICA secretariat and office was relocated near the premises of the European Chemical Council (CEFIC) in Brussels. This enables FEICA to be even more closely involved with the European Commission and other EU institutions, to build relationships with the chemical producer- and other chemical user associations, and advance the interests of the adhesive and sealant industry in general. FEICA will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary next year, in 2022.

    Publication ref.: FMI-EX-K09-049


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  • Adhesives under the scope of the EU SUP Directive.pdf

    Uploaded 29 Nov 2021

    Adhesives under the scope of the EU Single-Use Plastic Directive (EU) 2019/904

    Because the Single Use Plastics (SUP) Directive is a directive (rather than a regulation), EU member states were required to transpose the directive into national law. In this process, the questions arose whether adhesives, which are typically polymers, should be considered a ‘plastic’ and whether the application of adhesives to an otherwise non-plastic product will convert that product into a plastic one.

    The EU Commission published guidelines on the SUP Directive. With the publication of these guidelines, the status of adhesives can now be answered directly from the source texts. Thus the guidelines clarify further that adhesives are excluded from the scope of the Directive and not considered to fall under the definition of plastic.

    This FEICA publication assists the industry stakeholders in communication with customers and helps them to answer questions.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-K09-046


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