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  • POP-EX-N09-015 - Adhesives in the regulation of end-of-life vehicles.pdf

    Uploaded 18 Sep 2024

    FEICA’s Position on Adhesives in End-of-Life Vehicle Regulation

    In response to the European Commission’s proposal for a regulation on requirements for vehicle design and end-of-life vehicles (‘ELV regulation proposal’, document COM 2023/451, ‘ELVR’), the FEICA’s Position Paper supports the EU's Circular Economy strategy but opposes the negative portrayal of adhesives in the ELV regulation proposal. Adhesives are crucial for vehicle sustainability and performance, and the generic reference in the legal text could harm innovation and safety.


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  • Media Kit FEICA 2024.pdf

    Uploaded 04 Sep 2024

    The FEICA 2024 Media Kit is now available. 📢

    Advertising, branding, and promoted content opportunities to reach over 8,000 professionals in the adhesives and sealants industry.

    FEICA offers media opportunities all year round, and dedicated ones during the European Adhesive and Sealant Conference & EXPO. 


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  • Marketing and use of explosives precursors – updated rules.pdf

    Uploaded 22 Aug 2024

    DUCC submits feedback to a European Commission’s public consultation 

    As a result of the European Commission call for evidence consultation assessment on the explosives precursors Regulation, DUCC submitted the attached reply yesterday.


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  • Smithers - Sustainability is key consideration in hot melt adhesives market.pdf

    Uploaded 25 Jun 2024

    Our media partner, Smithers, has shared with us an article that provides insight into the world of hot melt adhesives, sourced from the Smithers report The Future of Hot Melt Adhesives to 2027.

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  • Presentation - FEICA Webinar - Understanding the CLP Revision FINAL.pdf

    For members Uploaded 10 Jun 2024

    Presentation - FEICA Webinar - Understanding the CLP Revision FINAL

    During this FEICA webinar, we discussed a revised Regulation on the Classification, Labelling and Packaging of chemicals (CLP). The revision of the Regulation has resulted in changes in many areas, such as new hazard classes, classification, labelling inventory, CLH and grouping, digital labelling, advertisement and notification of substances to Poison Centres.   

    #hazardousproducts #REACH

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  • FEICA Webinar Laminating Adhesives Supporting Flexible Packaging Recycling.pdf

    Uploaded 24 Apr 2024

    Presentation Slides of the FEICA Webinar on Laminating Adhesives Supporting Flexible Packaging Recycling

    During this webinar, we discussed what laminating adhesives are, outlining their benefits, the ways they pass through the recycling processes, and the adhesive industry's activities to promote the continuous evolution of recyclable adhesive products. In case you missed the webinar, we have listed the key takeaways here:

    - Laminating adhesives are needed to create flexible packaging that is lightweight and environmentally efficient.

    - Flexible Packaging with laminating adhesives is being recycled and the adhesives industry is supporting existing and emerging technologies for new recycling paths, targeting a high-quality output material.

    - Knowledge is evolving; we are strongly committed to study, monitor and understand solutions and to cooperate with all actors in the supply chain.

    The webinar recording is also available and can be viewed HERE.


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  • Laminating Adhesives in the context of Flexible Plastic Packaging Recycling.pdf

    Uploaded 18 Apr 2024

    FEICA Report on Laminating Adhesives in Flexible Plastic Packaging Recycling

    Flexible packaging offers lightweight and efficient protection for various products, ranging from food to consumer and industrial goods. Laminating adhesives are crucial in bonding both multi-material and mono-material flexible structures.

    Given the significance of packaging recycling, FEICA has published a report that provides the current state of play of how laminating adhesives are reflected in design-for-recycling guidelines, as well as in sortability and recyclability testing for flexible plastic packaging. For detailed insights, please consult the full report here.

    Publication ref.: RAM-EX-N03-005

    #paper&packaging #recycling

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  • CONNECT Issue 55 .pdf

    Uploaded 13 Mar 2024

    CONNECT Issue 55 (March 2024) published

    CONNECT is the quarterly newsletter for FEICA members and stakeholders of the adhesive and sealant industry.


    - Register for the 2024 FEICA Conference & EXPO 
    - FEICA position on the Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation 
    - FEICA/DUCC at the Helsinki Chemicals Forum 
    - Adhesives & Sealants in electronics under the EU Ecodesign Regulation 
    - Adhesives in the Regulation of end-of-life vehicles (ELV)
    - The European A&S industry response to the CLP Revision Regulation 
    - FEICA is an Official Campaign Partner of EU-OSHA 
    - Member Portrait: Nynas 
    - New FEICA Member: ThreeBond Europe S.A.S
    - A welcome & Farewell at FEICA 

    #press #CONNECT

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  • Need of surfactants by the AS industry.pdf

    Uploaded 13 Mar 2024

    The need for surfactants by the adhesives and sealants industry

    Read the FEICA Position Paper on surfactants need to manufacturing processes involving the use of adhesive and selants. Surfactants are critical to many application such as water-borne and solvent-based adhesive, sealants and primer.

    Removal of surfactants from the market would result in unavailability of water-based adhesive and sealants too, impacting also all of those products that depends on the use of this technology. Sales of water-soluble polymer adhesives added up to a total 115,000 tonnes in 2023.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-N02-003

    #adhesive #sealants #hazardousproducts

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  • Adhesives in Packaging Recycling FAQ.pdf

    Uploaded 06 Mar 2024

    FAQ on Adhesives in Packaging Recycling

    Given the significance of recycling within sustainable packaging practices, FEICA has compiled a list of frequently asked questions, offering additional insights on this subject and the role of adhesives in packaging recycling. The publication can be consulted here.

    Publication ref.: RAM-EX-N02-002

    #paper&packaging #recycling

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