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  • Online Registration for The FEICA 2024 is now Open.pdf

    Uploaded 04 Mar 2024

    Online Registration for FEICA 2024 European Adhesive & Sealant Conference and EXPO Is Now Open

    FEICA in the news: ASI (Adhesives & Sealants Industry Magazine) publishes online article on the FEICA 2024 European Adhesive & Sealant Conference. 

    You can register now via and benefit from the Early Bird rates!

    #events #FEICA2024

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  • FEICA Briefing paper on CURRENTA Test Method.pdf

    For members Uploaded 13 Feb 2024

    Updated FEICA Briefing paper on CURRENTA Test Method

    FEICA Briefing paper on the validated Test Method for the accurate measuring of very low contents (0.01% - 0.15%) of free monomeric isocyanates in mixtures.

    FEICA member companies benefit from a discount under the FEICA license.

    This paper includes 2024 pricing and contact information.

    Publication ref.: RAM-IN-N02-001

    #testmethods #diisocyanates

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  • ASI: Adhesives in the regulation of end-of-life vehicles.pdf

    Uploaded 06 Feb 2024

    Adhesives in the regulation of end-of-life vehicles


    FEICA in the news: ASI (Adhesives & Sealants Industry Magazine) publishes FEICA column 'Adhesives in the regulation of end-of-life vehicles' online (February 2024).

    Considering adhesives an impediment to the circularity of end-of-life vehicles misses the role they play in the sustainability, performance, and safety of vehicles. Read the FEICA paper here.

    See all ASI columns 'European Perspectives'.

    #press #ELV

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  • Recommendation on Assessment of Regulatory Needs (ARNs).pdf

    Uploaded 11 Jan 2024

    DUCC supports joint recommendation for clarity on Assessment of Regulatory Needs (ARNs)

    ARNs, initiated by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA), serve as a preliminary step to evaluate the necessity of regulatory risk management for substances. After group assessments, 60% of substances are deemed not to require additional regulatory measures, while the remaining 40% necessitate further data collection to determine and implement appropriate regulatory risk management measures.

    The ARN tool facilitates anticipation of potential regulatory actions, encouraging industry engagement in the process and proactivity in updating dossier information.


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  • FEICA Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations 2024.pdf

    For members Uploaded 03 Jan 2024

    FEICA Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations 2024

    This glossary is intended for FEICA Members to enhance the common understanding of acronyms and abbreviations used at FEICA meetings. 


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  • Guidance and assistance on the implementation of the restriction on synthetic polymer microparticles (Regulation [EU] 2023/2055).pdf

    For members Uploaded 20 Dec 2023

    Guidance and assistance on the implementation of the restriction on synthetic polymer microparticles (SPM)

    As an update to the inclusion of SPM, entry 78, in Annex XVII of REACH by Regulation (EU) 2023/2055 on 27 September 2023, FEICA developed a guidance and assistance paper for the industry. The document addresses the following issues: implementation deadlines, scope, obligations, assessment of level of concern, and outlook.

    Publication ref.:GUP-IN-M12-060 

    #hazardousproducts #REACH 

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  • FEICA SNAPSHOT - December 2023, Issue 19.pdf

    For members Uploaded 19 Dec 2023

    FEICA SNAPSHOT - Issue 19

    This biannual newsletter aims to give you a ‘snapshot’ of the main topics and achievements that our technical groups believe are the most pertinent to share with you.

    #SNAPSHOT #reports

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  • EU CLP revision in final stages after Parliament Council of Ministers agreement.pdf

    Uploaded 14 Dec 2023

    EU CLP revision in final stages after Parliament, Council of Ministers agreement

    FEICA in the news: Chemical Watch (enhesa) publishes FEICA/DUCC comments in article on CLP (December 2023).

    The piece, titled 'EU CLP revision in final stages after Parliament, Council of Ministers agreement' is also available online.


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  • The sequential implementation on substances not classified as hazardous.pdf

    Uploaded 13 Dec 2023

    The sequential implementation on substances not classified as hazardous

    Read the FEICA Position Paper on the proposal from the European commission to introduce restrictions for group substances. As shown, such restrictions can cover very large groups of substances and mixtures that were not classified as hazardous, and therefore, had no labelling or declaration obligations before.

    From the perspective of downstream users, restrictions on substances and mixtures that are not classified as hazardous require a sequential implementation process.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-M12-057

    #CLP #sustainabledevelopment

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  • Adhesives in the regulation of end-of-life vehicles.pdf

    Uploaded 04 Dec 2023

    FEICA publishes paper on adhesives in the regulation of end-of-life vehicles

    In July 2023, the EC published a proposal for a regulation on circularity requirements for vehicle design and end-of-life vehicles (‘ELV regulation proposal’, document COM(2023)451).

    In this paper, FEICA argues that: 

    • The explicit and generalised mention of adhesives as an impediment to the dismantling and recycling in the ELV regulation proposal is inaccurate, as adhesives can allow for and even enable successful dismantling and recycling.

    • The current wording constitutes an uneven playing field as other materials and bonding technologies which may prevent dismantling and/or recycling are not mentioned.

    • The mention of specific materials or technologies which are to be considered in the circular design strategies and in fee modulation for vehicles should be provided, if at all, in secondary legislation or guidance only.

    • Any mention of specific materials or bonding technologies should be sufficiently specific and reflective of the existing practices, successes and limitations of end-of-life vehicle dismantling and recycling.

    Publication ref.:POP-EX-M12-059

    #circulareconomy #sustainabledevelopment #ELV

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