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  • Crude Tall Oil inclusion in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) III.pdf

    Uploaded 23 Nov 2022

    FEICA Position on Crude Tall Oil inclusion in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) III

    This position paper discusses the reviewed proposal of RED II as an opportunity to define legal provisions to ensure chemical grade tall oil remains available for use by the chemical industry. The paper includes an overview of these provisions that FEICA believes should be agreed upon by the policymakers.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-L11-062


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  • Adhesives and sealants in the construction ecosystem.pdf

    Uploaded 19 Nov 2022

    Feica in the news: Adhesives and sealants in the construction ecosystem

    Fastener + Fixing magazine publishes FEICA article 'Adhesives and sealants in the construction ecosystem' in their 138th issue and online (Nov 2022).

    In it, Dimitris Soutzoukis, Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager at FEICA, talks about the sustainability of products in the construction sector receiving much attention in Europe. The importance of this subject is justified by the sheer scale of the construction sector, its share in the materials used and produced in the European Union, and the share of greenhouse gas emissions it represents. In addition, the ongoing geopolitical and energy crisis also affects this particular sector significantly. 

    #construction #press

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  • Joint industry statement - Revision of EU rules on packaging and packaging waste.pdf

    Uploaded 15 Nov 2022

    Joint industry statement on packaging and packaging waste legislation

    The European Packaging Value Chain issued a joint industry statement to express their serious concerns with regards to the approach taken by the European Commission in its revision of the EU rules on packaging and packaging waste.

    Publication ref.: COS-EX-L10-58


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  • Safe Use of Diisocyanates.pdf

    Uploaded 10 Nov 2022


    FEICA in the news: ASI (Adhesives & Sealants Industry Magazine) publishes FEICA column titled 'The Safe Use of Diisocyanatesonline (October 2022).

    #diisocyanates #press 

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  • FEICA position on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation.pdf

    Uploaded 09 Nov 2022

    FEICA position on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

    FEICA welcomes the opportunity of a potential recasting of the Packaging and Packaging Waste directive (PPWD) into an EU regulation, which would bring about more harmonised requirements on packaging across EU member states, reduce internal market barriers and simplify compliance work for economic operators. This position paper lists the key aspects that FEICA believes need to be considered when future packaging and packaging waste legislation is defined.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-L11-057

    #paper&packaging #foodcontact

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  • FEICA-DBC-IVK EPD webinar _German.pdf

    For members Uploaded 08 Nov 2022

    FEICA-DBC-IVK EPD Webinar Presentation - German edition - 8 November 2022

    This webinar, co-organised by FEICA, Industrieverband Klebstoffe e.V. (IVK) and Deutsche Bauchemie e.V. (DBC), explained how to use Model Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) to address market and regulatory needs for adhesives and sealants in the construction sector.

    The presentation slides (German Edition) and recording are both available on the FEICA Extranet.

    #EPDs #construction

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  • Press Release: FEICA/EURADH launch Adhesion Innovation Award 2023.pdf

    Uploaded 04 Nov 2022

    Press Release: FEICA/EURADH launch Adhesion Innovation Award 2023
    The third edition of the FEICA/EURADH Adhesion Innovation Award focusses on sustainability, durability and industrial applications and expects to attract excellent young researchers and scientists across Europe. Applications are invited from young researchers  and scientists working in adhesion science who have published outstanding work. More information available via

    Publication ref.: FPR-EX-L11-056

    #association #innovation #press

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  • Construction Products Regulation.pdf

    For members Uploaded 03 Nov 2022

    Executive Summaries FEICA Priorities - Construction Products Regulation

    FEICA has prepared different Executive Summaries treating as priorities certain initiatives of the European Commission. This Executive Summary concerns the process of revision of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and covers the main novelties in the Commission proposal, current status and next steps.

    #construction #sustainabledevelopment

    Publication ref.: RAM-IN-L09-049

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  • Downstream Users - Impact of polymer registration on downstream user formulators – SMEs .pdf

    Uploaded 26 Oct 2022

    Impact of polymer registration on downstream user formulators – SMEs


    Over the course of 2020-2022, the European Commission has been working to 'make a proposal to extend the duty of registration under REACH to certain polymers of concern'. As part of the CARACAL-subgroup on polymers, DUCC and its members, including FEICA, worked to contribute constructively and collaboratively to this discussion.

    Publication ref.: COS-EX-L10-54

    #polymers #REACH

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  • Downstream Users – 8 priorities for the CLP revision .pdf

    Uploaded 26 Oct 2022

    Downstream Users – 8  priorities for the CLP revision 

    The EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (CLP) is a cornerstone of the EU chemical legislation. Revising CLP means changing the foundation of one of the most comprehensive pieces of legislation in the world.  As a horizontal piece of legislation, CLP has a wide-ranging impact, with any change to likely have a knock-on effect on various sectors, including, but not limited to biocides, pesticides, detergents, cosmetics, toys, and medical devices. Thus, DUCC strongly urges the European Commission to include evaluation of sectorial implications in CLP impact assessment.

    Consumers and professional users buy paints, detergents, adhesives, sealants, inks etc., not chemicals. These products, or articles containing these products, are made by DUCC Downstream Users of Chemicals Coordination Group members, including FEICA.

    This paper illustrates 8 priorities regarding the CLP revision, as outlined by DUCC and its members.

    Publication ref.: COS-EX-L10-53


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