Polymers Requiring Registration (PRR)
Polymers are currently exempted from registration under Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). However, Article 138(2) foresees a possible further review to extend the registration requirements to polymers. If the risk posed by certain polymers can be proven, and practical and cost-efficient ways of selecting polymers requiring registration (PRR) can be established, registration requirements under REACH will be extended to polymers.
To comply with that mandate, the European Commission is working to identify polymers requiring registration, proposing grouping criteria, defining the registration process and assessing the costs/benefits of polymers registration. The use of polymers within the adhesives and sealants industry is very widespread. In general terms, polymers are the chemicals which enable adhesives and sealants to work.
FEICA therefore supports the efforts of the European Commission to develop a comprehensive regulatory framework for the registration of polymers under the REACH Regulation that will help to protect human health and the environment, without losing the competitiveness and innovativeness of the European industry.
The FEICA Polymer’s Technical Task Force (Polymers TTF) actively contributes to the discussion and regularly publishes position papers that include illustrating the peculiarities of the adhesives and sealants industry as well as contributing technical data to the global discussion.
FEICA positions on the registration of polymers
- FEICA’s comments on the Wood/PFA report regarding Polymers Requiring Registration (13 August 2020)
- Manufacturers of low-volume customised polymers at the end of the supply chain (10 September 2020). For practical examples click here.
- Registration of Polymers – Adhesives and Sealants Industry Perspective (18 January 2021)
- FEICA comments about Third CASG Polymers meeting (23 April 2021)
- FEICA comments on EC proposed PRR flowchart and EU definition of PLC (21 June 2021)
- FEICA comments on ECHA’s Thought Starter on SID polymers (21 June 2021)
- FEICA impact assessment on the EU PLC definition and the definition of polymeric precursors (14 December 2021)
- FEICA comments after sixth CASG polymers meeting (20 January 2022)
- FEICA comments on the degradation of polyesters (15 February 2022)
- Registration of Polymers – the exemption of polyesters (15 March 2022)
- FEICA proposal for a list of starting monomers for the polyesters exemption (16 May 2022)
- Why strictly controlled conditions cannot be technically applied to polymeric precursors (16 May 2022)
On Wednesday 23 June 2021, FEICA organised a webinar on the upcoming registration of polymers and published the presentation.
FEICA also published a presentation explaining the difference between polymeric precursors and intermediates, and the benefits of a full exemption for polymeric precursors. It is also on YouTube.
FEICA leaflet on Notification of Polymers - in 7 languages:
- Defining a reasonable, safe and efficient system for the notification of polymers (English, FEICA)
- Definition eines angemessenen, sicheren und effizienten Systems für die Meldung zu Polymeren (German, in cooperation with IVK and DB)
- Stabilire un sistema efficace, sicuro e ragionevole per la notifica dei polimeri (Italian, in cooperation with AVISA)
- Définir un système de notification des polymères adapté, sûr et efficace (French, in cooperation with AFICAM and DETIC)
- Vaststellen van een redelijk, veilig en efficiënt systeem voor de notificatie van polymeren (Dutch, in cooperation with VLK and DETIC)
- Definir um sistema razoável, seguro e eficiente para a notificação de polímeros (Portuguese, in cooperation with APCAS)
- Definir un sistema razonable, seguro y eficaz para la notificación de polímeros (Spanish, in cooperation with ASEFCA)