Mixture Allocation Factor (MAF)
Under the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability, the European Commission plans to put a system in place that covers the combination effects of unintentional chemical mixtures. Because of the complexity linked to regulating an almost infinite number of possible combination of chemicals, the concept of a Mixture Allocation Factor (MAF) was launched.
This position paper discusses FEICA’s view that the introduction of a MAF should be risk-proportionate, workable and effective. In addition, FEICA conducted an analysis of the impacts of applying a Mixture Allocation Factor (MAF) to substances used by A&S companies.
Find out more about the MAF concept and the consequences in this FEICA leaflet: 'Mixture Allocation Factor explained'. In support of our National Association Members, this leaflet is available in 8 European languages:
- Mixture Allocation Factor explained (English, FEICA)
- Der Mixture Allocation Factor erklärt (German, in cooperation with IVK and DB)
- Mixture Assessment Factor: Che cos’è il fattore di valutazione di una miscela (Italian, in cooperation with AVISA)
- Mixture Allocation Factor: Le facteur d’évaluation d’un mélange en quelques mots (French, in cooperation with AFICAM)
- Mixture Allocation Factor: Le facteur d’évaluation d’un mélange en quelques mots (French, in cooperation with DETIC)
- Mixture Allocation Factor uitgelegd (Dutch, in cooperation with VLK)
- Mixture Allocation Factor uitgelegd (Dutch, in cooperation with DETIC)
- Mixture Allocation Factor: Razlaga faktorja ocene zmesi (Slovenian, in cooperation with GZS)
Fator de avaliação de mistura explicado (Portuguese, in cooperation with APCAS)
Mixture Allocation Factor explicado (Spanish, in cooperation with ASEFCA)