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  • FEICA Factsheet on Exposure Scenarios (ES) - 24 May 2013.pdf

    For members Uploaded 25 Nov 2015

    FEICA Factsheet on Exposure Scenarios (ES) for Adhesives and Sealants

    The fundamental aim of the REACH Regulation is to ensure that all uses are safe to both human health and environment. For that purpose, one ‘communication tool’ requested by REACH is the Exposure Scenarios (‘ES’), or set of information that describes how to use a substance safely. An ‘ES’ covers, therefore, either exposure assessments for the different uses (industrial, professional and consumer) or the environment.

    FEICA is currently carrying out three projects to develop the information on operational conditions and risk management measures for typical adhesive and sealants (A&S) applications. The projects address worker, consumer, and environmental safety by the so-called Generic Exposure Scenarios (GES), Specific Consumer Exposure Determinants (SCEDs), and Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) respectively.

    #REACH #exposurescenarios #health&safety

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  • FEICA Fact Sheet on the French Nano-Decree - Update June 2013.pdf

    For members Uploaded 25 Nov 2015

    Update June 2013 -  FEICA Factsheet on the French Nano-Decree

    The French Government published last year regulation concerning the annual mandatory reporting of nanomaterials, which entered into force on 1st January 2013 - based on their placing on the market in 2012. This new regulation aims to improve the knowledge of Nanomaterials and their uses, to ensure traceability of sectors using these substances, to improve the knowledge of the market and the volumes sold, and to obtain available information on toxicological and eco-toxicological characteristics.

    #REACH #nano


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  • FEICA Fact Sheet - EU Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR).pdf

    For members Uploaded 25 Nov 2015

    Updated Fact Sheet on BPR - The EU Biocidal Product Directive (BPD) was revised and turned into an EU Regulation. This means that it will be directly applicable as such, in all EU Member States. The Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) includes enhanced requirements for labelling, and in particular, for treated articles.

    #biocides #CLP #classification&labelling

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  • Guidance at a Glance - CLP series (8) - Prohibitions.pdf

    For members Uploaded 23 Nov 2015

    CLP does contain some prohibitions applicable to adhesives and sealants. There are additional restrictions that may be applicable, set out in REACH Annex XVII, and some substances may be prohibited from use in adhesive and sealant mixtures (unless specifically authorised for that use - which would be unlikely).

    #CLP #classification&labelling #paper&packaging

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  • Guidance at a glance - CLP series (7) - Advertising of mixtures.pdf

    For members Uploaded 23 Nov 2015

    CLP Article 48 requires that "any advertisement for a mixture classified or hazardous or covered by Article 25(6) which allows a member the general public to conclude a contract for purchase without first having sight of the label, shall mention the type or types of hazard indicated on the label. 

    #CLP #classification&labelling #hazardousproducts

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  • SD Emerging Issue - Product Environmental Footprint (PEF).pdf

    For members Uploaded 20 Nov 2015

    Emerging issues that are a priority for the European Commission: Product Environmental Footprint (PEF)

    Factsheet prepared by the FEICA Sustainable Development Committee with a concise overview of the topic, describing the  objective of the Commission, the potential impact on our industry and where to find more information.

    Sustainable development is becoming increasingly important for businesses. FEICA supports the principles of responsible business practices and encourages businesses to develop sustainable development initiatives to work towards long-term value creation for the industry and its stakeholders, including its supply chain and local communities, and the natural environment.

    #sustainabledevelopment #health&safety

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  • SD Emerging Issue - Non-Financial Reporting.pdf

    For members Uploaded 20 Nov 2015

    Emerging issues that are a priority for the European Commission: Non-Financial Reporting

    Factsheet prepared by the FEICA Sustainable Development Committee with a concise overview of the topic, describing the  objective of the Commission, the potential impact on our industry and where to find more information.

    Sustainable development is becoming increasingly important for businesses. FEICA supports the principles of responsible business practices and encourages businesses to develop sustainable development initiatives to work towards long-term value creation for the industry and its stakeholders, including its supply chain and local communities, and the natural environment.

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  • SD Emerging Issue - Green Public Procurement (GPP).pdf

    For members Uploaded 20 Nov 2015

    Emerging issues that are a priority for the European Commission: Green Public Procurement (GPP)

    Factsheet prepared by the FEICA Sustainable Development Committee with a concise overview of the topic, describing the objective of the Commission, the potential impact on our industry and where to find more information.

    Sustainable development is becoming increasingly important for businesses. FEICA supports the principles of responsible business practices and encourages businesses to develop sustainable development initiatives to work towards long-term value creation for the industry and its stakeholders, including its supply chain and local communities, and the natural environment.

    #sustainabledevelopment #health&safety

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  • SD Emerging Issue - Circular Economy.pdf

    For members Uploaded 20 Nov 2015

    Emerging issues that are a priority for the European Commission: Circular Economy

    Factsheet prepared by the FEICA Sustainable Development Committee with a concise overview of the topic, describing the  objective of the Commission, the potential impact on our industry and where to find more information.

    Sustainable development is becoming increasingly important for businesses. FEICA supports the principles of responsible business practices and encourages businesses to develop sustainable development initiatives to work towards long-term value creation for the industry and its stakeholders, including its supply chain and local communities, and the natural environment.

    #sustainabledevelopment #circulareconomy

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  • FEICA SNAPSHOT - April 2015, Issue 2.pdf

    For members Uploaded 25 Sep 2015
    FEICA SNAPSHOT- April 2015, Issue 2 - FEICA’s Regulatory Affairs report

    This biannual newsletter aims to give you a ‘snapshot’ of the main topics and achievements that our technical groups believe are the most pertinent to share with you.

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