FEICA papers

  • A safe future for polyurethane products (AVISA - Italian).pdf

    Uploaded 29 Aug 2022

    A safe future for polyurethane products (AVISA - Italian)

    More information regarding this updated FEICA leaflet, available in 8 languages, is available via https://www.feica.eu/our-priorities/safe-use-diisocyanates.

    Publication ref.: IT-FMI-EX-KO8-041

    #diisocyanates #hazardousproducts

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  • A safe future for polyurethane products_v3.pdf

    Uploaded 29 Aug 2022

    A safe future for polyurethane products (Version 3)

    A new restriction on diisocyanates was adopted on 4 August 2020, by the European authorities under REACH, targeting respiratory and dermal sensitisation potentially caused by diisocyanates. The FEICA Technical Working Group 'PU Restriction' created a leaflet (available in eight languages) explaining what the restriction means exactly, how the required training is developing and what the implementation of the timeline is. 

    This leaflet has now been updated in all 8 available languages.

    More information is available at https://www.feica.eu/our-priorities/safe-use-diisocyanates

    Publication ref.: FMI-EX-K08-041

    #diisocyanates #REACH

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  • Adhesives and sealants sustainability role in construction.pdf

    Uploaded 03 Aug 2022

    Summary Report: Adhesives and sealants’ key sustainability role in the transition pathway for the construction ecosystem

    Sustainability in the construction sector is receiving substantial attention in the European Union (EU) as a consequence of both the absolute scale of this sector and its share of materials usage and greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Recent legislative initiatives, such as the EU Green Deal, cover the construction sector with specific provisions, addressing all levels from entire buildings to construction elements and to the materials used for their production and installation. The environmental performance of adhesives and sealants used in the construction sector is therefore of high interest. The full report is available for FEICA members here.

    #construction #sustainabledevelopment

    Publication ref.: RAM-EX-L05-030

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  • FEICA and Deutsche Bauchemie Detailed Statement on Commission Proposal for a Revision of the CPR.pdf

    Uploaded 25 Jul 2022

    Joint Statement of FEICA and Deutsche Bauchemie on the Proposal of the European Commission for a Revision of the Construction Products Regulation (Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011)

    The Construction Products Regulation (CPR) plays a key role for the construction chemicals industry. The revision should overcome current problems in harmonised standardisation. It should further strengthen the European single market for construction products so that construction and renovation measures remain affordable and make an important contribution to the fight against climate change. To support the transformation to a greener and more digital construction sector, the environmental sustainability of construction products must be brought more into focus in the future CPR, whereby practicable provisions are important to ensure feasibility and cost efficiency.

    This document includes the FEICA and Deutsche Bauchemie joint detailed position on the European Commission's proposal.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-L07-037


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  • FEICA proposal to improve the protection of professional workers using the most harmful chemicals.pdf

    Uploaded 14 Jul 2022

    FEICA’s proposal to improve the protection of professional workers using the most harmful chemicals

    The Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability commits the Commission to ‘extend to professional users under REACH the level of protection granted to consumers’.  We understand that the European Commission’s rationale behind the extension of the generic approach to risk management (GRA) to professional uses lies in a general observation that professional users ‘cannot control risks from the presence of the most harmful chemicals in products’ and that ‘professional users are exposed to those chemicals in products in their daily lives and not only occasionally as consumers, there may be even more need to protect them’. We strongly believe that these two statements cannot be generically applied to all professional users and/or all products used by professional users containing  ‘most harmful substances’.

    Below is FEICA’s proposal to improve the protection of professional workers using the most harmful chemicals. The proposal illustrates ways to improve the protection of professional workers other than generic substance bans without a risk assessment having been performed.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-L07-040


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  • FEICA Construction Webinar presentation.pdf

    Uploaded 24 May 2022

    Presentation of the FEICA webinar ‘Adhesives & sealants in the transition pathway for the construction ecosystem’

    On 24 May 2022, FEICA hosted a webinar titled ‘Adhesives & sealants in the transition pathway for the construction ecosystem’. 

    The key takeaways were:

    - The energy efficiency of buildings is a key element of a climate neutral European Union. Adhesives and sealants are integral to thermal insulation and decarbonised heating solutions.

    - Material efficiency addresses the (carbon) footprint embodied in construction materials themselves and the quantities of future demolition waste. Adhesives and sealants support weight reduction and the use of lower footprint construction materials. During the use phase of a building, adhesives and sealants facilitate maintenance, repair and renovation functions.

    - When construction elements or entire buildings reach their end-of-life, multiple approaches exist for reuse and recycling. With the right design, adhesives and sealants applications can enable circularity at the end-of-life. 

    You can download a summary of FEICA’s report 'Adhesives and sealants’ key sustainability role in the transition pathway for the construction ecosystem'. The full report will be made available on the FEICA Extranet soon. You can watch the recording of the webinar here.

    #sustainabledevelopment #construction #events

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  • FEICA proposal for a list of starting monomers for the polyesters exemption.pdf

    Uploaded 16 May 2022

    FEICA Position Paper - FEICA proposal for a list of starting monomers for the polyesters exemption

    FEICA welcomes the European Commission’s proposal to keep an exemption for polyester polymers made from monomers on the EU list when polymers subject to registration requirements are defined. While FEICA considers the polyester exemption to be scientifically supported, we acknowledge that the list of starting monomers should be updated to eliminate hazardous monomers.

    This publication includes the FEICA proposal for a list as a starting point for the Commission and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to develop an EU list of authorised monomers.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-L05-028

    #REACH #polymers

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  • Why strictly controlled conditions cannot be technically applied to polymeric precursors.pdf

    Uploaded 16 May 2022

    FEICA Position Paper - Why strictly controlled conditions cannot be technically applied to polymeric precursors

    The European Commission proposed an exemption for polymeric precursors but only if they are handled as intermediates and strictly controlled conditions (SCC) are warranted along the supply chain. With this publication, FEICA would like to bring to the attention of the stakeholders why SCC cannot be applied to polymeric precursors used by downstream users.

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-L05-027

    #REACH #polymers

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  • Polymeric Precursors Examples.pdf

    Uploaded 16 May 2022

    Practical Application Examples to Demonstrate the Use of Polymeric Precursors

    Within the context of the registration of polymers, a potential exemption for polymeric precursors is under consideration. The European Commission is proposing an exemption for polymeric precursors handled like intermediates under REACH. This FEICA presentation provides 4 practical examples, demonstrating that polymeric precursors can be safely handled under adequately controlled conditions without causing harm to humans or the environment. The examples cover:

       1. One-Component Foam (OCF) - Industrial + Professional

       2. Direct Glazing (windshield bonding for cars) – Industrial + Professional

       3. Lamination of flexible substrates with reactive polyurethane (PU) adhesives – Industrial

       4. Liquid 2-component silicones for gasketing – Industrial

    Publication ref.: FMI-EX-L03-016

    #REACH #polymers

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  • FEICA response to the REACH revision public consultation 15 April 2022.pdf

    Uploaded 26 Apr 2022

    FEICA response to the REACH revision public consultation

    FEICA submitted its responses to the questionnaire in the public consultation. Here are some additional comments.

    #REACH #circulareconomy #sustainabledevelopment

    Publication ref.: POP-EX-L04-026

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