WG Chemical Legislation
The Chemical Legislation Working Group (WG) advises FEICA members of general trends that might impact the adhesives and sealants industry so that the right measures can be taken and implemented. More information is available from the 'FEICA Issue One-Pagers'.
Lilianna Brzoskowska
NAMPolish Association of Paints and Adhesives Manufacturers - PZPFiK
Head of chemical legislation
Dorthe Christensen
NAM - DFLDana Lim S/A
Environmental Manager
Anette Harbo Dahl
NAMDFL - Danish Coatings and Adhesives Association
Senior Adviser
Joaquin de Lapuente
AC Marca Adhesives
Anastasia Dimitropoulou
Gunther Dreezen
DCMNovatech International NV
Innovation Director
Yannick Feuring
DCMDuPont Specialty Products Division
Senior Specialist Product Stewardship & Regulatory
Torsten Funk
FEICA ConsultantChemServ EU-CH Funk
Cristina Gastaldin
DCMMapei S.p.A.
Corporate Product Safety Manager
Tim Gieshoff
Deutsche Bauchemie e.V
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Martin Glöckner
NAMIVK-Industrieverband Klebstoffe e.V.
Director Regulatory Affairs
Christian Hanf
DCMBolton Group - UHU GmbH
Manager Quality Assurance
Axel Hessland
co-Chair - NAMIVK-Industrieverband Klebstoffe e.V.
Senior Consultant HSE and R&D projects
Ruben Hoes
Kaneka Belgium N.V
Henrik Jansson
NAM - SVEFFSVEFF - Swedish Paint and Adhesives Association
Emma Jansson
Expert - NAM SVEFFSVEFF - Swedish Paint and Adhesives Association
Regulatory Affairs & REACH/CLP
Arnaud Jourdy
DCMBostik SA
Senior PSRA Manager
Ioannis Kioussis
NAM - HASC, GRMapei Hellas
Quality Control and R&D Manager
Martin Klatt
Head of Product Stewardship Dispersions and Resins Europe
John Klijn
DCM3M Deutschland GmbH
Senior Specialist Product Responsibility
Simone Margheritis
Mapei S.p.A.
Corporate Regulatory Coordinator
Mathias Matner
ACMCovestro Deutschland AG
Head of Sustainability and Advocacy
Marcela Medina
DCMHenkel AG & Co. KGaA
Head of Product Safety & Regulatory Affairs - Europe - Consumer/Craftsmen/Construction Adhesives
Jolanda Neeft
NAM - VLKVLK - Vereniging Lijmen en Kitten
Regulatory Affairs
Roberta Operti
ACMSynthomer Ltd
Regulatory Affairs
Aysenur Osterwalder
NAM - FKSALFA Klebstoffe AG
Regulatory Affairs Associate
Pawel Papuga
DCMDow Europe GmbH
Hazard Communication Specialist
Luc Peeters
ACMKaneka Belgium N.V
R&D Manager LPD
Lilli Puntti
DCMKiilto Oy
Head of Product Safety & Sustainability
Dirk Raatz
DCMH.B. Fuller Deutschland GmbH
Caroline Raine
NAM - ExpertBASA - The British Adhesives and Sealants Association
Natalia Root
ACMOmya International AG
Marta Saez Palomino
DCMAC Marca Adhesives
Nancy Sauvan
Product Regulatory Affairs manager
Sohely Sikdar
Technical, Regulatory & Sustainability
Kim Suetens
co-Chair - DCMSoudal SA/NV
REACH Engineer
FEICA a.i.s.b.l.
Sharon Towers
NAM - BASABASA - The British Adhesives and Sealants Association
Patrick Verhelle
Gwendoline Verkaik
DCMAvery Dennison Materials Europe GmbH
Jennifer Weis
DCMLohmann GmbH & Co. KG
Weihan Wu
DCMAvery Dennison Materials Europe B.V.
Simone Wubbe
ACMEastman Chemical B.V.
Application Development Specialist