Sixteen associations sign letter to European Commission concerning TiO2.pdf
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Call for action
Farbe und Lack, the German edition of the European Coatings Journal (ECJ), has published FEICA's article 'Vorausplanen' on Poison Centers in their November 2017 Issue.
In the article, Nicolás Fuentes, Regulatory Affairs Manager at FEICA, explains how companies should 'Plan ahead' as harmonised reporting obligations for hazardous mixtures in Europe are coming.
#hazardousproducts #health&safety
In addition to FEICA's previous contribution (6 June 2017) to the public consultation of the diisocyanate restriction, FEICA points out that the exemption part of the restriction will be an essential part of this regulation.
#hazardousproducts #diisocyanates
FEICA has been working proactively to minimise the impact on the adhesive and sealant industry of the proposed EU-wide restriction on diisocyanates. A test method for monomeric diisocyanates is now available for FEICA members.
#hazardousproducts #diisocyanates
FEICA has published a Position Statement in response to ECHA’s call for evidence related to the potential restriction of D4 and D5 in silicone sealants for consumer and professional use.
#REACH #hazardousproducts #sealants
FEICA Briefing Paper on TiO2. This paper contains the latest industry discussions on Titanium dioxide (TiO2).
FEICA reports on various EU activities through the usual channels. Sometimes an additional update such as this one is published for our members with a recap of recent and general news.
#circilareconomy #hazardousproducts #heath&safety